Sample Cover Letter Explaining Criminal Record

Date name of hiring manager company address of company dear name of hiring manager.

Sample cover letter explaining criminal record. I am writing to apply for the administrative assistant position at xyz inc. I have applied for a position as a xxxxx with your company. I was referred to the opening by karen richards my coworker at abc co.

Mar 17 2016 use our sample sample cover letter explaining criminal record read it or download it for free. Keep your description brief. Sample letter to potential employers explaining your history you must write a letter that fits your specific situation and criminal history.

Give just enough detail for the employer to understand the nature of your infraction but do not give too much detail. Free help from wikihow. I have been performing administrative work for more than seven years and i am excited to join a new team and help it run smoothly and efficiently.

Begin by telling how you got in trouble in the first place but keep this part short. Criminal record cover letter. Explain the conviction in the next one to three sentences.

You may include a reason but only if it shows extreme. Your whole letter should be about three paragraphs. Sample letter to potential employers explaining your history you must write a letter that fits your specific situation and criminal history.

You do not have to include details simply tell the employer what you did and when. I have applied for a position as a xxxxx with your company.