Sample Query Letters For First Time Authors

Novels should be 80 000 to 100 000 words.

Sample query letters for first time authors. It s part of our free 15 part guidelines on how to write a query letter by mark malatesta a former literary agent and former marketing licensing manager of a well known book publisher. So i am seeing if i can actually write some fiction out of it. I am not quite at the point of needing to do a query letter.

If your novel is 200 000 words cut before you query. Writing a non fiction query letter sample query letter writing a non fiction query letter is like writing your own ticket to the big time. I am writing my frst novel or should i say rewriting my first novel.

Use this checklist as a starting point when evaluating your query letter and for more advanced strategies and explanations read our many other articles about writing effective query letters. If you want to convince an agent or publisher that your idea has bestseller written all over it the few hundred words that make up your query must be irresistibly compelling. On the road to traditional publication your query letter plays a central role in getting literary agents and publishers to notice your book.

Dear matthew otins i m writing this letter to introduce my latest novel for publication the mysteries of the dead an investigative piece on death of 120 000 words. Here s an example of a real query from an author who did just that followed by commentary from the new agent she succeeded in landing with her hook. To help inspire you we ve collected 161 examples of successful query letters from famous authors spanning various genres from crime fiction to fantasy to young adult.

Sometimes it s the first five pages sometimes it s ten sometimes it s the first two chapters sometimes it s more or less. Or even i m sorry i don t have more publishing credits to share with you because i m new. I am a published early career author and i am currently seeking new representation.

First time query writers can be a teensy bit too emotional in their query letters. Insert word count and genre at the end of your first hook paragraph. Mention the word count and genre of your book.

Since most literary agents accept queries online we ve opted to format our cheat sheet for email queries rather than print snail mail. Young adult novels can be significantly less. That said i will be saving this article so that i can have it ready when i start writing that query letter.

Sample query letter the query letter sample below will help you create a successful query letter of your own so you can get a top literary agent publisher and book deal this article explains. Many agents ask for a short sample of your novel along with the query letter. This book is the best book ever written.