Dp Confirmation Letter Old Scheme

The 4 year rule applies for those who enter into the scheme from january 2015.

Dp confirmation letter old scheme. Information specific to the scheme you are undertaking. Esic epf monitoring application. You can modify it by simply dragging and dropping element using the jotform pdf editor.

The template for the offshore old scheme is available to download here. The letters i o and q are banned from use in the new scheme with the former two letters officially recognised as numbers 1 and 0 respectively. Status of grievance in dda.

This is for those who started the scheme before 1 january 2015 hold a small blue logbook or an a5 black logbook with a logbook number starting 121. In the case of revalidation the nautical institute requires that dpos send their documents in the same month as their original dp certificate was initially issued i e. The confirmation letter is a secondary check on the time completed and if required should be able to provide evidence to the nautical institute to prove that the time was on dp.

Dda vigilance awareness week 2020 participation link. In order to further improve the integrity of the application process and to prevent cases of fraud the nautical institute. Confirmation letters old offshore scheme.

You should use this template today and start sending gala confirmations to people easily. A confirmation letter can also be sent for the confirmation of a reservation a response to an invitation and receipt of various services for the delivery of some items products to give services or travel arrangements. Confirmation letter for all sea time claimed after 1 january 2014 copy of certificate of competency coc or proficiency if holder started the scheme after january 2012.

Offshore old scheme initial training. 202 lambeth road london se1 7lq t 44 0 20 7928 1351 f 44 0 20 7401 2817 e. Four year validity period in order to avoid deterioration of your skills during the training period all elements of the dp training scheme must be completed within 4 years.

The training time for initial certification for those on the offshore old scheme has been increased from five to six years. Please refer as closely to the letter template as possible only changing what is absolutely necessary. Please note that confirmation letters cannot be based upon the dp information in the individual s logbook only.

The gala reservation confirmation letter pdf template has been designed to make sure that all registration and payments are completed properly.